Game recommendations

10 Aug 2003
Hi guys,
I haven't played any games in a while, the last games i played was the supreme commander 2 series. Can anyone recommend some good new RTS or space shooter games like starlancer/freelancer please? p.s. i tend only to play in single player mode, not too much into online gaming.
Thanks in advance
Freelancer is very arcadey in style, so:

Star Conflict
House of the Dying Sun
Starfighter Origins
Rebel Galaxy (if only for the soundtrack!!)
Salvation Prophecy

Starlancer is more of an in-cockpit space-sim, so:

Elite: Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous
Evochron Mercenary, although it's a bit complex and convoluted.
Eve: Valkyrie
Elite: Dangerous
Freespace 1 and 2, plus the free and most excellent Diaspora mod for some Battlestar Galactica style fun!
Elite: Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous

Also, you need to play FTL: Faster Than Light, just because it's fun!!!

Did I mention Elite: Dangerous? :D
Hi guys,
I haven't played any games in a while, the last games i played was the supreme commander 2 series. Can anyone recommend some good new RTS or space shooter games like starlancer/freelancer please? p.s. i tend only to play in single player mode, not too much into online gaming.
Thanks in advance

Dawn of War 3 is coming out shortly. As space shooter I would say one of the most fun if you haven't tried it, is hidden inside the SWTOR in the form of Galactic Starfighter.
Otherwise Elite Arena.
I suppose if you've played Freelancer, you would have played Descent 3 and Freespace 1 / 2? They're pretty fun and Freespace 2 has a great overhaul mod that modernises it a lot.
I suppose if you've played Freelancer, you would have played Descent 3 and Freespace 1 / 2? They're pretty fun and Freespace 2 has a great overhaul mod that modernises it a lot.

Yes i have and also played tachyon the fringe which was great.

I was a big fan of the elite series too... spents hundreds of hours playing those!!

Thanks guys for all the suggestions
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