Gamecube on a Modern TV / HDMI Cable

9 May 2009
I set up my Gamecube recently for some Mario Sunshine with the standard cable and the colour was awful.

Ive been looking at a HDMI solution and ive seen the Hyperkin cables but have noticed the 3 in 1 Nintendo version does not support the PAL GameCube. Does anyone have any recommendations? i dont really want to spend loads as i dont get on my Retro stuff much as much as i want to anyway, but would like a mid-range option.

My 1000 post is in the Retro forum, couldn't be a better way!
I use the retrogamingcables Rad 2x on mine, PAL gamecubes output RGB so look great with this cable, have to pre-order them though as they only do runs certain times and they usually sell out. You can also use the same cable on a SNES and N64 if you have those as well. 2x

Excellent, just what im after, and perfect it works on snes and N64 i might pre order one of those.
A hacked Wii U is better than an actual GameCube. Well technically, a Wii U contains the hardware that allow it to effectively run as a GameCube natively, plus of course HDMI output. Or just use Dolphin emulator on a PC. You can play Sunshine at 60fps and upscaled, and is a far better experience than a GameCube.
You install nintendont that runs on the virtual Wii on the Wii U. It will play every game as if it was running on a GameCube, because technically the hardware is there. It's not an emulator. You can also do the same on a Wii, but of course that doesn't have HDMI out.
I use the Carby HDMI adapter and it's great.

Keep in mind a PAL gamecube can only output 480i without additional work. So results will only go so far.

I soft modded mine with an SD card loader and a copy of Swiss. This allows me to force my PAL game discs to out put at 480p as NTSC format. The clarity is night and day on games where this is supported.

Carby was about £70, Action replay and SD card thing was about £20.
I just bought an RGB cable from retro gaming cables. Think it was £23 at the time. My 50" Hisense in my bedroom puts out a really decent picture with it. Especially games like F-Zero GX.
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