Gameport support?

30 Jul 2005
I got 2 old microsoft sidewinder ganepads gameport variety. I know they worked on windows 98 but wanted to know what's the latest os they will work with?
They didnt work on win7 or win10 since gameport support was dropped ages ago.
tried them, they dont work properly. all the buttons on the gamepad dont work and cant daisychain the pad either.
from the looks of it windows xp offers support so thats good enough for building up the old pc for use with emulators etc.
Interesting. It is the lack of driver support thats killed off the gameport.
Iv found xp drivers so thats good enough to put on a retro system and get some games on it. I dont want to throw away two perfectly good working gamepads due to lack of driver support in newer operating systems.
Mine are not joysticks but gamepads
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