Gamer or Music [Xfi]

22 Mar 2005
Maidenhead, England
I'm not sure which one to go for, I play a lot of games, but listen to a lot of music and I'm kinda an audiophile. I either use my Sennheiser PX200s or Inspire 5.1 speakers for music and gaming when people aren't around to moan or my Razer Barracuda for gaming when I can't have it turned up too much, just wandering which card is better.
I would buy two cards if you want the best, X-Fi for games, M-Audio 2496 or 192 for music. A X-Fi will do as second best though, ok for music and best for gaming.
With PX200 I doubt you're an Audiophile, I have a pair and they're fine for portable sources. Not suited for Hi-Fi really.
I'm using PX200s because I don't have £300 kicking around for a nice high end pair of headphones and the last high end pair I had are needing a new cable. Hm, I don't have enough spare PCI slots for 2 sound cards.
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