it encrypts wot and wow saves? lolOn infected machines, the malicious program seeks out saved games and other files and encrypts them.
A key to unlock encrypted files is only supplied if victims pay at least $500 (£340) in Bitcoins.
The malware targets 40 separate games including Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Minecraft and World of Tanks.
It's hard to believe that anyone's going to care enough about save games to pay.
Right, time to unplug the router![]()
lol as soon as i clicked that bbc news link my firefox crashed - gamers targeted "be careful what you click" thought i'd been had.
a)Dont click dodgy stuff
b)Backup important data
"Files holding gamers' profiles, maps, saves and modified versions of games are all sought by Teslacrypt, he said.
He said anyone who tries to outwit the malware by uninstalling a game they obtained via an online service may end up disappointed.
"Often it's not possible to restore this kind of data even after re-installing a game via Steam," he wrote."
If people care about these things that much they'd have backups, I have two backups of everything I'd rather keep than lose. Local backup and crashplan backup + the in-use set on my PC.
People shouldn't, but do whinge about losing stuff they never bothered to back up in the first place and these days there are so many free tools to do it for you there's no excuse.