games accessing net

30 Nov 2005
hi how can i stop some games from accessing the net when I dont need them too, I can disconnect router but thats just a pain, any ideas?
I use Sygate firewall and every time something new wants to access the net it asks me if I want to allow it. Most games nowadays seem to want to connect to somewhere for some reason and with Sygate (or pretty much any firewall for that matter) you can stop them:)
I've found most games try to connect home for something...

I use Windows Firewall, and just block them that way.
LabR@t said:
what with exceptions ?

When the games try to use the internet, Windows Firewall will ask you to block or allow the connection.

Block it, et voila!
then your firewall is rubbish m8, try to look for rules for games and delete them then it should ask you about them i am using a firewall which when ever a game patch it asked to let it have access
Windows XP Firewall doesn't monitor outgoing connections from programs, so a game can (and many will) connect without it telling you at all - you'll need a seperate firewall (e.g. Zonealarm) to monitor outgoing connections from individual games. Windows Firewall will notice and tell you about incoming connections.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
Why do some games connect to the net (no not multiplayer ones), I've noticed some programs do it as well

Verification? Updates? Probably.

I just zap em with a 'no' using zone alarm usually.
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