Games like F Zero X?

3 May 2012
Had a Google, came up with Pacer, but that looks pretty rubbish.

Hot Wheels Unleashed looks fun and there is a track editor/builder which is a massive plus point.

Any others?
I think I'll just bite the bullet and get hot wheels unleashed, been watching YouTube looks fun + track editor is just a massive plus.

Redout isn't actually bad (best £1.99 I've ever spent on a game lol) I found it hard at first until I realised you have to control the pitch of your car with the other stick for the sharper turns.

You have to use the right upgrades for the event, some of the tracks are pretty decent.
Ignore my Pacer comment. It's not worth £2.79. It jsut felt slow and got bored after a couple of laps, the music wasnt great either.

Redout Enhanced edition I just tried again, great game. Well worth 68p, which you can get the Steam key for now :D

Damnit!!!! Feel I've been robbed at £1.99!!!!

But yea it's decent enough game to be fair.

I got Hot Wheels Unleashed, downloading now, was £20 on cdkeys.
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