Games like Lemmings

20 Mar 2004
Trying to find a Christmas present for my mum and trying to get her something a little more thoughful then slippers. :p

She owns a laptop with a Steam account, so I'm wondering if there are any good games out there like Lemmings I can gift to her. Something that's easy to pick up and can be played with just a touchpad.
Zombie Night Terror is very, very much like Lemmings, except that it's got Zombies, blood, and it's definitively not cute. It is amusing though.
My missus plays The Walking Dead on Android. She can also interact with her Guild. Keeps her outta my hair :D
I used to play Lemmings all the time on my Gameboy. They should make a new one and release the old one on steam as well. i bet it would sell well.
There is PINGUS on Linux?
It is totally a Lemmings rip off, but with penguins instead of Lemmings.

Oh I remember that on the Amiga! - OH NO!!!!
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