Games of the last 10 years worth playing now

18 Oct 2002
I have been out of gaming for a good while now, but I have been replaying old games, and got back into it.

My PC spec is geting on a bit now but i am thinking a 5 old 10 year old game is not going the stess the PC

Spec is
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
GPU is a Radeon 7800 2048 ddr 5

Would a newer GPU be worthwhile

Genres shooters RPG or fantasy
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Mass Effect Series (shooter/rpg)
Dragon Age Series (fantasy/rpg)
Titanfall 1/2 (shooter)
Borderlands 1,2,3 (probably pre-sequel which is actually the 3rd game, but it's the worst IMO) (shooter/looter rpg)
Dying Light (rpg with shooting available but more melee)
Grim Dawn (fantasy/RPG)
Pillars of Eternity (fantasy/rpg)
Tyranny (fantasy/rpg)
Vermintide 2 (fantasy)

Probably, however GPU prices are, AFAIK, currently high due to a combo of new cards and supply shortages. If I were you I'd probably start on the older games which your card should handle fine, like Mass effect 1, Dragon Age 1, not sure how well it'll handle Skyrim SE or Fallout 4, probably be alright, and then I'd look at the new ones later like Vemintide 2 and the Metro games. First Metro game isn't new, but the games are more demanding. Then reassess from there, hopefully the GPU prices might have normalised a bit.

Also, by shooters do you mean singleplayer, multiplayer or both?

I used play a lot of half life and COD as a Multiplayer, the original half life was probably my favorite single play game.

I took a look at GPU prices and was shocked, i can still remember spending a huge wad on a Voodoo 1 card years ago, then £300 for a very good card was the going rate when i last upgraded
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