Games similar to Far Cry and Rise of the Tomb Raider

Thanks, I have Fallout 4, but not played it much. Perhaps a concerted effort needed to get into it.

Skyrim and Mafia I haven't tried. Just Cause I think I have as a freebie from PS Plus, but not ever installed...
Some great suggestions thanks. I’ll look into some of these a bit closer later on.

I killed the third herald in FC5 (PC) this morning, so my remaining campaign activity is limited on that game. I’m about a third of the way through FC3 (PC), having done it once on PS3 a few years ago. I’ve done FC4 twice; once on PS3 and now have it on PS4.

In regard to the question about open world vs story, I’m not too bothered.

A bit of a shooter, but not a brain-out FPS.

I have The Witcher 3, from the Steam sale recently, but not yet installed it.

I suppose what I’m looking for is something most similar to Far Cry; where you can go in all guns blazing, or stealthily. An overall aim to the game and a bit of a story, side missions and main missions, character and weapons advancement. I’ve really enjoyed the two recent Tomb Raider games. They’ve come a long way since tombraid.exe that I found on the HDD of a Pentium PC I bought many years ago. But haven’t all games?

Replaying Uncharted 2 last night, I decided that is just a bit too dumbed down. Although had I not played Uncharted in the first place many years ago, I’d not have tried Far Cry... I didn’t get into Far Cry until FC4 was out, and only recently played through Half Life 2 for the first time!

I’m a bit behind the curve when it comes to shooters as you might realise.

I have Black Mesa to play as well.
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Seeing as you have the PlayStations have you played the last of us? It’s phenomenal!

Yes, I played through most of it on PS3, got to a particularly tough section and put it down! :o

Dying Light - I’ve read a few positive comments about this game in the main ‘PC Games - What are you playing’ thread.
I've now got my head around Civ 5... I'd only played 1-4 extensively up until now, and never really gave 5 much time. I've probably put 40 hours in this week.

Back to adventure games, I did buy the Uncharted remastered collection and started playing that. Also, I note that Mafia III is free on PS Plus this month so I will download on the PS4.
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