games that look really different from LOW to ULTRA settings?

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
To cut a long story short

Just been playing Forza 6 with LOW and ULTRA settings at 1080p on my Radeon HD 7850 (2Gb) and i can run them all, but not noticing THAT much of a difference?

Even looked on youtube for people running 1080 GPUs running upto 5K

is my GPU so old that with my Acer 27" 144 HZ 1080p im not seeing the benefit ?

any other games i could try ?
Do you mean you don't notice a performance difference? Your 7850 is getting a bit long in the tooth now, so if that's your issue then yes, a new GPU would set you right.
Low and ultra is noticeably different with a lot of games however low infrequently looks that bad.

Medium/high to ultra? Honestly I don't stand a chance seeing the difference. There are exceptions like grass draw distance but it rarely bothers me outside of screenshots.
It really depends on the Graphic setting. Some don't really show that much a difference while others show a bigger change. The sweet spot for all PC games is High settings while Ultra doesn't really add that much worth the performance hit most of the time.
People get passionate about the justification of mega expensive pcs to get ultra on everything but I'll be honest high or medium looks very similar as long as the resolution is the same.
Witcher 3,
Arma 3,
DayZ used to have a big jump when it was the mod not sure about stand alone,
WoW again not played in some years so they may have tweaked that.
Most of the time the biggest visual difference between high and ultra is the word 'high' changing to the word 'ultra' in the settings menu.
Most of the time you have a hard time noticing even medium-ultra in most games as long as your resolution is decent enough.

The only games really where I've been able to tell much difference is TW3 on foliage distance/density and hair works.
You should def. be noticing a difference between low and high/ultra....

But yes as said above, ultra offers very little to nothing over high settings these days.

Most of the time you have a hard time noticing even medium-ultra in most games as long as your PPI is decent enough.

Fixed ;) :p
Although my own comparison was low resolution vs high resolution. Not sure how much 'effects' you notice. Not sure I'd spot a slight blurring of the shadows during gameplay. :p
I think there's a little niche of gaming out there that actually loves to play games at the lowest possible settings.
I think there's a little niche of gaming out there that actually loves to play games at the lowest possible settings.

I remember watching Summit1g on stream playing KOTH and he said he has the settings on the lowest possible apart from the draw distance yet the guy has a $10/15k PC and could easily max out any game at the res he plays which I think is 1920x1080 unless he's upgraded in the last few weeks.

I think there's a little niche of gaming out there that actually loves to play games at the lowest possible settings.

They're quite often the competitive people whereby dropping settings potentially gives you a greater chance of winning/killing etc.
do most not do that to squeeze as many frames as possible out the game??

Depends on the game, Dayz (the mod before standalone) you used to be able to set the trees to the lowest setting but you could see people hiding in the branches on their screen when they had trees on full quality looking like a pristine Christmas tree
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