Games to keep me occupied in work...

7 Sep 2005
I Have just bourght a Mac book the 1.86 GHZ dual core one (not the pro so graphics not great)
It does run half life two ok though on med-low settings. (when running XP)

What games do you reckon I could run whilst on the train/plane/at work

any reccomendations, Ive got FM2006 which will keep me occupied for a while.
But what other games should I get, preferably not shooters/racing as I dont want to have to lug a mouse round with me so using touchpad.

EDIT - just got Final fantasy 7 for the PC off an auction site for £10, may well be a copy, but this is a fantastic game! is it as good on the pc? only played it on PS1/2

DOH! wrong forum, can someone move this to PC gaming thx...
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