Gamespot coming to the UK

11 Jun 2004

They are currently only advertising for jobs - neither of which I qualify for (damn it!).

Didn't GS used to have a dedicated UK site around 5 years ago? I only remember it because I recall being cheesed that the PC review of Vice City was a word for word copy of the PS2 review.

At least we'll have something that covers a broad spectrum of games. I always found Eurogamer to be too sparce in their coverage. Now if they could get some of the PC Gamer/Zone staff to write their articles...
Yaka said:
not much point of them having a uk site these days.
That's what they said about 4 years ago when they closed their Uk site. I wonder what made them change their mind? It's not like there are any uk specific games bar the footie managment games our game charts look pretty similar to the US ones.
it would be neat if they didn't say awesome.

rad news dood!

as already said, cant see it making much of a difference having a UK site as GS already covers every game anyway.
The only differences over here are release dates, pricing and occasionally the naming of games (Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy, Football Manager 2006 / Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006).

My guess it's more a question of them wanting to have some 'hands on' employees based in London to liase with European developers.
It's always about i'd imagine their main reason for a UK site is to have all the reviews linking to places to buy the games and all the previews linking to places to preorder. Same for hardware etc. Referrals i think is the word. I expect thousands of people from the UK read the US site...think of all those lost clicks.
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