Gamespot membership

22 Oct 2004
Im interested in having one but im slightly put off by the fact that i cant join in on tournements as im from the uk not usa. Has anyone got a gamespot membership and are you happy with it.
Also is it worth me having it to download demos with there real fast servers that ill get access to even though i only have a 2mb connection?
I'm a member, It's pretty good value for money in my opinion, I don't enter any sorts of tournaments, didn't even know they had them.

Download speeds are pretty good and no waiting in line for things, which is nice.
Well I dont have a Gold membership but my friend recently got a years subscription to it and it seems good. HD videos of E3 were really nice, also he gets 330kbs on a 3meg connection from the fast download servers.
I used to have Complete membership under the old 2 teir system. It was handy to have the high speed downloads and hi-res videos. But I just couldn't justify the pricing restructure when they doubled the fees last year, so I let my membership expire.

I still have use of all their features but I source my downloads elsewhere. I definatly prefer Gamespot to IGN's ad-tastic layout.
I view gamespot as the gaming equivalent of imdb. If you want news etc it is OK but for real in depth detail of information it cannot be beaten!
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