Gaming at 60fps vs youtube videos at 60fps

24 Oct 2005
North East
Is it just me that thinks the new youtube videos at 1080p 60fps is a bit weird as in no way accurately shows what 60fps gaming is like at all. Youtube shows em as way to smooth and seem to be sped up a bit.

As just watched a metal gear solid v video at 60fps 1080p and it looked butter smooth and maybe too smooth and seemed sped up a touch. But to me when i actually game at 60fps in the game its no way near that smooth or quick actions. Lies... :p

Would be nice if gaming really was that smooth but it aint even at a never dropping 60fps.
Shame playing a game at 60fps with little fps drops looks like what a youtube vid at 30fps is like. Exactly like.

Playing at 30fps is horrid, smooth my a*** to ppl who say it is.
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