Gaming chair with HOTAS attachments/accesories?

9 Aug 2009
Chislehurst, Kent
Having received my Oculus Rift I've been looking around for a gaming chair which allows me to mount a HOTAS setup for War Thunder, Elite Dangerous and the like. I've come up very short! It seems like there's nothing out there which fits the bill. Doesn't anybody know something I don't?
Oooh I like the look of those playseats although that's moving fully into the realm of flight sim geekery. I was hoping to stick with an office or gaming chair, but now that you've shown me those I'm not sure anything will match up. Problem is it doesn't look like its height adjustable, so I'm not sure whether it will be the right height for my Lian-Li DK-Q2 desk.
The problem is it looks like you need to have a chair with a specific type of arm for the DIY one to work :(
I've decided to go with a Wheel Stand Pro as it seemed like the best trade off since it means I can have a normal swivel chair. The Playseats looks great, but I don't like the idea of sitting in an immovable chair without much in the way of adjustment available to me.

........That plus my girlfriend would probably think I was mental!
Yeah I saw that and thought the same. Great idea, but the thought of things not being really solid would put me off bigtime.
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