Gaming headphones to replace Medusa 5.1

1 Jan 2005
Dublin, Ireland
Hey all

I'm thinking of replacing my current Medusa 5.1 headset as the shoddy build quality is really starting to annoy me. One of the headphone covers keeps falling off and the fact that the amp is so sensitive to mobile phones is getting on my nerves as well. That and I kind of want an upgrade in sound quality - as I've been listening to better headphones the Medusas don't sound nearly as good to me as they used to. I'm looking for something pretty much exclusively for gaming, I don't really listen to much music on my computer.

Anyway I've been doing some looking on the forums and it seems like I'd be better off going for proper headphones rather than a headset. I'm thinking of the Sennheiser HD595s - obviously these are very good headphones but how are they for gaming? How's the positioning etc?

I was also wondering about how much sound leaks out since they're open. I'm probably being stupid here but the wall between my room and the room next to me is really thin - the person next door wouldn't be able to hear anything would they?

Finally I was wondering about the best way to connect them with my speakers. Apart from its crappy shielding the Medusa's amp is quite handy. If I plug both my Aego Ms and the Sennhesiers to the output of my X-Fi using a splitter like this one will I get any loss in sound quality or volume? Obviously I'll only be using one or other of them at once.

Anyway I've been doing some looking on the forums and it seems like I'd be better off going for proper headphones rather than a headset. I'm thinking of the Sennheiser HD595s - obviously these are very good headphones but how are they for gaming? How's the positioning etc?

I've used these in the past and they are good. Positioning is awesome, couldn't really get much better, especially with a little crossfeed.
I've used these in the past and they are good. Positioning is awesome, couldn't really get much better, especially with a little crossfeed.

Thanks, that's good to know.

Anyone have any advice on connecting the headphones and speakers at the same time with a splitter?
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