Gaming headset died, Headphone recommendations?

6 Aug 2015
Basically as the title my gaming headset has died and I am thinking of changing it with a headphone and separate mic, I mostly use them for gaming with a little bit of music here and there but mostly gaming.

What would you guys recommend?

From reading I have seen the AKGs K702s what would I need to run them all I have is the on board sound from my motherboard

Any help is much appreciated thanks
AKG K702 are very good for positional gaming, but you'll need more than onboard to power them, as they are quite inefficient headphones and need a decent headphone amp.

Senneheiser HD558, 598 or one of the other new models they have out now, will be a good choice. Easy to drive/power and make decent gaming headphones.

I've lost track of what's replacing what, but I assume 559 will replace the 558 and 599 replaces the 598. There's also 569 and 579 as well now. No idea why they've added more models, when there's so little price difference between some of them.

Beyerdynamic DT770 80 Ohm should work fine from onboard audio. Better choice than the Sennheiser's if you are more concerned with having a bit more bass at the expensive of some positional accuracy.

If you'd rather a headset though, the HyperX Cloud is a good choice.
I was looking at the sennheisers as well as a potential theres that many its hard to decide which to go for, I just wasn't sure if the headphones would be better for gaming than the many choices of gaming headsets but I would get the hyperx clouds if I can't decide
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