gaming headset help??

22 May 2013
hey guys, just looking for abit of advice my headset broke so i replaced it in a hurry without doing any real research i ended up buying a corsair vengeance 1500 wich i dont like at all
ive tried a few headsets the corsair included that have this virtual surround sound thing i dont like it at all... its not bad in games but i want a headset i can use for everything and listening to music on these is just horrible unless i go into all the settings and play around for 10 minutes everytime i wanna listen to something different wich is a hassle
as far as headsets that have a whole bunch of little speakers in them to achieve surround sound go i dont think they sound very good at all either

can anyone reccomend me a good stereo headset?
im gonna be buying a dedicated sound card so no USB headsets just analog ones, now im a total audio freak so i want the very best sound i can get and i dont really care how much it costs cant put a price on good sound a good mic would be nice aswell :p

i know people are gonna say just get some studio headphones or something like that but id much rather have a headset as i will also be using it for gaming and i want the mic id rather not have a seperate mic cuz thats just another peice of hardware and im already running out of desk space haha

thanks guys :)
SteelSeries and Logitech headsets always have really good reviews

any in paticular i should be looking for? quick search for logitech and steel series and theres like 1 millions headsets haha

i used to have an awesome set of logitech speakers so yeah i would imagin there headsets are pretty good
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