Gaming indecision.

17 Sep 2010
I've browsed Reddit, Twitch and gaming websites for the past two years without playing a single game for longer than 30 minutes, because I keep refreshing gaming websites trying to find the 'perfect' game to play. I don't want to waste time playing a bad game, but I've wasted two years trying to find it. Oh, the irony. Hopefully I'm not the only one like this!! xD

I want to break this cycle of indecision, so recommend me your most loved game that released in the last couple of years. I used to be a big fan of RPG, but I'm thinking I should break the cycle and try something completely different! I just bought a GTX 1070 for delivery tomorrow, so hardware requirements shouldn't be an issue.
Ha, I'm in the same boat. Too many games and so much indecision. If you haven't played Dragon Age: Inquisition and/or Alien:Isolation yet, I'd highly recommend those. They are my favourites of this gen so far.
Ha, I'm in the same boat. Too many games and so much indecision. If you haven't played Dragon Age: Inquisition and/or Alien:Isolation yet, I'd highly recommend those. They are my favourites of this gen so far.

I'll add them to a list, as I do like both of those IPs. I'm getting Witcher 3 on Steam at the moment because it's 50% off. Hopefully my PS4 controller will work.
I used todo this, Recently started Witcher 2 as i wanted the story before hand and I am now 40 hours in and loving it and looking even more forward to starting Witcher 3.
Another vote for The Witcher 3. I often judge games based upon how emotionally invested in the storyline I become. For me, TW3 was a great investment in every sense of the word. Superb. I only wish I'd curbed my philandering....
Right. I'll just go with that then. I've played Witcher 1 years ago, so why not.


I'd play TW2 first in all honesty if you have the time - purely for story continuity.

But yes, I was in the same position where nothing was holding my attention. TW3 has been great for me. Although now I'm into Blood & Wine, I'm struggling a bit.
Factorio has all the gameplay you need. Don't let the early access fool you it has been very playable and stable for nearly a year.
I have just finished my first playthrough of witcher 3 and DLC. Steam is showing 256 hours of playtime and I am about to start again!
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