Gaming Keyboard.

29 Nov 2004
I have a Logitech keyboard at the moment.. trouble is it only accepts a few keys to be pressed at the same time.

For example..
Holding E + S then Q.. Q does'nt register.
Holding E + R then space.. space does'nt register.

There are many more of these combinations which only accept 2 keys to be pressed at the same time.. so when gaming I can't move diagonal and jump or jump while switching weapon, etc.. its such a handicap.

Does anyone know a keyboard which does'nt give an annoying *BEEP* if 3 certain keys are pressed at the same time.

You can check your own keyboard using this program:
I'm guessing you are using a PS2 keyboard - if so any USB keyboard will stop the annoying beeps as more data can be sent simultaneous, meaning you can mush keys to your heart's content.

My USB Logitech G15 is an example of this, I can get up to 7 simultaneous key presses according to that program.
Eliminos said:
I'm guessing you are using a PS2 keyboard - if so any USB keyboard will stop the annoying beeps as more data can be sent simultaneous, meaning you can mush keys to your heart's content.

My USB Logitech G15 is an example of this, I can get up to 7 simultaneous key presses according to that program.

yes, mine is ps2... Ok thanks for that info.
I was thinking something else after reading...

"Keyboard keys are arranged in areas called matrices. Each keypress transfers a signal to a given wire present in the matrix. It is best when gaming to use all of the keys present in one matrix so that there are no conflicting keypresses which send two different signals down the same wire. Wtf? About 2-4 wires are hooked up to each keyboard matrix. If you press a key which sends a signal down a wire attached to that key in the key matrix, and then press another key in a different key matrix which is attached to that same wire, you're asking that single wire to transfer two signals at exactly the same time. On most keyboards, the damn thing is made to transfer only one signal, albeit very rapidly. When you press multiple keys which end up sending signals down the same wire, the computer or keyboard can't process the second keybress and gives you that oh-so-*******-annoying BEEP."
cozm01 said:
Also does anyone have the keyboard: SpeedLink Ultra? so they could test the multiple keystrokes.

Got this keyboard just before xmas and love it.
The feel of the keys is perfect and with minimal profile your fingers don't catch the edges at all. The weight keeps the keys perfectly in place.
I am very happy with this keyboard its just feels right which after all is the main thing.
As to multiple key presses that has been answered previously but no i have never had multiple key beeping with this board.
I have a Logitech g15 and according to that little program you linked to it allows up to and including 6 simultaeous key presses. I didnt mnotice any beep when pressing more than 3 keys, but then again thats never happened with any keyboard i've had.

cozm01 said:
yes, mine is ps2... Ok thanks for that info.
the computer or keyboard can't process the second keybress and gives you that oh-so-******g-annoying BEEP."

You may want to edit the sweary. ;)
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