Gaming keyboards, where do you put your pinkie?

22 Jun 2013
Zomerset (Glastonbury)
Had many gaming keyboards and whilst I always get used to them I always find there isn't always a comfortable position for my pinkie. Always ends hovering over the caps lock / tab area or I have to move it to the left of those keys.

Where do you put your pinkie?
By what you're saying it sounds like your wrists come in at your keyboard at an angle as opposed to straight on. Pinky over tab/caps lock feels dead weird and means I have to stand my hand up in a crab/facehugger-like shape if my wrists are straight on at the keyboard.
Yeah, either your hand is approaching the keyboard at an angle or you rest your pinkie way too high.
Im guessing most of us including me have our hands straight on with the board and let our pinkie relax, which puts it at the shift key. Control might work also.
I used to have a very high pinkie, i used to have tab bound to Jump in most games. But then that stopped me from controlling movement while jumping, so now i bend it and have claw like grip so that it rests on shift.
Being left handed, my pinkie rests on B, which I use for VOIP. I also use it for G (grenade) and V (prone) and F when required. Thumb is sgtill in use as well for ctrl and shift.

There are advantages. :cool:
It does seem as though you have small hands though. My fingers go almost vertically up from the keys and then obviously bends to my hand.
Had many gaming keyboards and whilst I always get used to them I always find there isn't always a comfortable position for my pinkie. Always ends hovering over the caps lock / tab area or I have to move it to the left of those keys.

Where do you put your pinkie?

shift or ctrl
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