Gaming Laptop & price of PC

24 Jun 2013
Gaming Laptop

Hi All,

I currently have a desktop PC and moving home so I require laptop as I don't have the room :(

I think my only option is to buy a laptop as I can at least game on a table (I know my life is gonna suck!) I've seen the full desktop GTX 980 (Not M) laptops recently - any recommendations. I've seen laptops up-to £3800 but that's a bit extreme. Any help would be great.

I have a steam link but I play dota and love my m&k setup...

Alienware is a popular brand and I've seen their external GPU extension but any other recommendations?
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Uh oh... You're in trouble.. You're asking to price up your current pc? That's allowed in members market iirc... Delete before mod catches you
I'm 100% Sure you can find a half meter by half meter to place your tower and monitor :)

I would never downgrade to a laptop for gaming considering it'll blow out in a few years. Keep your pc man and find that space! Believe me, you'll thank me later.

I don't have the room for a full desk. It's a laptop world for me from now on i'm afraid.

Any recommendation on a laptop upto £2000
Thanks all - its going to be the laptop. I was thinking 17" -

Alienware have offered me £1715 for:

Alienware R3 17
i7 6700HQ 3.5ghz
980 GTM 8GB
16GB 2133HZ Ram
512 SSD & 1TB HD

anything for that region price?
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