Gaming laptop

27 Mar 2007
Heya good people of OCUK,

I am looking to buy a laptop that would allow me to enjoy latest games, including FPS for around £1000.

I have been out of the loop in terms of hardware for a few years so I don't really know how else to specify my request.

Ideally, I'm looking for something to last me a few years without spending more than my budget. In the past I used to play games like L4D2, CoD, Battlefield, Dragon Age, Football Manager.

Thanks a lot for your advice.

P.S. I built the PC in my signature about 3-4 years ago and it's served me well over that time. I don't insist on having THE BEST performance on all the latest games, just a laptop that allows me to play the latest games at decent settings for the next 3-4 years.
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Im in the same boat mate, my budget is £1000 but is a little flexible. as far as i can tell people say a lot of goods thing about the MSI GX660R... i was comparing that to the MSI GE620DX which is a little cheaper.. the 620 has and i7 processor which i beleive is better than the i5 that is in the 660 but the 660 has a very powerful graphics card which greatly surpasses the gpu in the 620.. so you have to make the decision weather to go for gpu or cpu... sounds like you want game so i say gpu but the 660 is a lil more than your budget but people sing its praises all day long
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