Gaming Life after CSS

22 Sep 2005
Anyone else have a problem with getting into other games after playing CSS for so long?

so far ive wasted a lot of money on games i never play because they dont feel like CSS and dont act the way i want
Far Cry
BF2 ( just demo, and at mates house)
all nice looking games but i feel like CSS has ruined them all for me lol
anyone else feel the same?
not so much the fact im addicted to CSS... i am, even though i made a 'ive done it./.. kicked my CSS addiction' thread a while back lol and now look at me :P'

im talking more about just not liking other FPS games bacause they dont compare.

ive enjoyed C+C many times and still doo occasionaly, but my heart is in FPS games rly
its deffo the feel of CSS i like.
playing GRAW and FARCRY ... i LOVE the graphics and thats really important to me, but still i just feel as if im controling a morbidly obese man, who cant really move all that well ( even with the sensitivity UP)

fair wnought CSS aint THAT realistic, but as someone said before its the joy tou get out of knowuing it is tricky to get a headshot etc.
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