Gaming mice drivers... Worth installing?

21 Apr 2004
Just wondered if you lot think the software that comes with Logitech gaming mice (Setpoint) and the equivalent software that comes with Razer gaming mice is worth installing?

At a guess, I would say yes, because the driver is optimised to make full effect of the extra sensitivity and engines of these mice, but reading some posts on the steam forums made me think otherwise. I know there are a load of people who don't really know what they're talking about over there, so would appreciate some input from a community I think have more credibility ;)

As the devil's advocate, what would you say to me if I said that running setpoint was just a resource hog, using memory and cpu time which could be better used elsewhere, and that the windows drivers for the mice are just as good?

EDIT: What about increasing the USB polling frequency? Mine is set at 500Mhz, which I'm sure isn't the default. I can't remember if I did that when I last used nLite to make a Windows installation disk (you can change the polling rate there), or perhaps the Setpoint software changed it when I installed it!?
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I never really bother installing mice drivers, as with my mouse g7, usually doesnt perform how I want it too in game. But then again, I didnt really mess around in the logitech controll pannle, so I cant really give both point of views.
I think it's worth installing if you want/need to get the best out of your mouse.
My mx510 won't be able to use all the buttons etc. in windows, so i use the mouseware drivers for the added functionality. But if it worked fine without mouseware, I probably wouldn't bother.
Do you guys know if it makes a difference in terms of precision and accuracy? That is the cruical one in my opinion, as if the main selling point of an fairly pricey mouse is the engine and dpi etc, I want to make sure I'm getting *this* benefit above others like the extra buttons.
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