Gaming on 1-2.5mb

10 Nov 2006
I'm currently using 100mb Virgin but I'm looking at moving house to the country-side however the broadband speeds I've come to know and love are virtually none existent at the new house, 1-2.5mb on BT 512kb minimum.

At the moment I hammer the broadband, my son streams night and day, I download like a mad man and missis is never off the internet. All at the same time. Now I know this won't be possible at the new property but will I still be able to play games online. My must game is Battlefield, but how will it cope.

The local phone exchange is Fibre enabled by BT but they have no plans to install at the address I'm looking at.
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Ok thanks for the answer guys. As long as gaming is ok and the ping isn't over 40/50 I think I can cope. Problem is it's not like I can get 4G on my phone, I can hardly make a phone call, google won't load so using my phone for stuff won't help.
I can do some download at work on my Surface Pro for films and stuff, but my 2 year old son hammers kids youtube, so he won't be able to do this while I try and game.

The only other option is satellite broadband, which only seems to be 20mb super expensive and what's the ping like on that?
Lol I can believe it, it sounds absolutely ridiculous buying a house around the broadband, but it's a "thing" we all use a lot, it's like saying no TV or cups of tea for some people.
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