Gaming PC for £600?

1 May 2003

My nephew would like a new gaming PC for Christmas and the budget is ~£600. I'm completely out of touch with what is what these days, but him and his Dad think I'm an expert - so I need some help :)

He already has monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphones and OS . So I think he needs: Motherboard, CPU, GPU, memory, SSD and HDD, PSU and case?

Thoughts or build suggestions very gratefully received.


Great, thanks for the help so far :)

Good shout with the old HDD, would definitely prefer to squeeze a SSD in. Whats the best bang for buck SSD out there?

Also agree on the case and I think this is where my brother will be prepared to stretch the budget for something nicer. Having a browse here, the Zalman Z9 for £57 seems to be popular and gets lots of good reviews? Anything preferable for that price point?

Finally, my nephew was originally asking for an i7 7700k, but as this is £300, it was clearly out of the question, so he said he would be happy for an i5. The setup above is using a AMD Ryzen, I take it this is a good CPU and he shouldn't be disappointed its not Intel? Probably opening a can of worms here lol.

Hi again,

So my nephew believes that 'Nvidia are better', not so sure this is at all true but... Is there an equivalent Nvidia card to the Radeon 560/570 which work with a AMD Ryzen and board?

Many thanks
Many components now ordered to make the most of the deals. Looks like the build is going to be more like £700 when considering the case. Hopefully the below looks ok and is all compatible?

A lucky lad will hopefully be pleased come Christmas day!

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £614.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)​
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