Gaming PC upgrade advice

4 Oct 2009
Hello all

Currently I have:

32GB (2x16GB) 3600
MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX

3070TI @ 1440p

This is currently used purely for gaming - Warzone

I am getting frames above 100, would a 5800X3D be worth while or should I be looking at a full system upgrade at some point?
your system is still pretty relevant,

An upgrade to a 5800x3d wouldn't be significant enough to warrant the price.

I would wait for the release of the next Ryzen 5 chips, supposedly it's quite a significant upgrade in performance if one believes rumors.

I would also advise the same with the GPU, wait for the next gen, price/performance jump isn't there at the moment to warrant a jump from what you already have.

Is your current system having any issues running what you need it to, or do you just have an itch that needs scratching?
1) are you satisfied with the current performance/quality settings? yes -> leave it alone, no -> upgrade
2) do you have the itch to upgrade and the funds to do so? yes -> ignore (1)
Hello all

Currently I have:

32GB (2x16GB) 3600
MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX

3070TI @ 1440p

This is currently used purely for gaming - Warzone

I am getting frames above 100, would a 5800X3D be worth while or should I be looking at a full system upgrade at some point?

What are your expectations for the game and why would you want to upgrade?

We've actually had a similar thread to this already in regards to Warzone, the OP was suffering from iffy performance/frame drops on a 3080 with a similar CPU to your own. It was resolved by upgrading to a 5800X3D.


If you're having consistency/min frame problems and Warzone is your main game, a 5700X3D or 5800X3D are absolutely worth it. People need to stop making blanket statements about performance, it's painfully prevalent and often inaccurate, as proven by the linked thread.

A link to a post which proves a switch to an X3D chip made a big difference in the above thread:

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