Gaming/playback screen

23 Sep 2010
Hi chaps,

Moving into a new block this weekend and as such I want to treat myself to a bigger, better quality monitor (was going to be a TV but decided that it would be wasted as would Sky+HD). I mostly game and watch streamed TV programs/films and Blu-Rays.

Ideally my budget was about £400 max and I liked the idea of a 30-32" monitor. However, I saw this: and really liked the look of it. Having always used Ilyama I was quite inclined to carry on that trend with this screen but it got me to thinking, can my laptop (in the sig) even handle running at that resolution?!

Assuming it can't, can anyone recommend a monitor of 28-32" that would be perfect for what I'm looking to do? I've been looking at sub 4ms response time ones really, whether that makes a big difference nowadays or not I don't know. Ideally with 2560x1440 (wanted an increase from 1920x1080 tbh).

Cheers in advance,
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