Gaming Rig 2015

23 Feb 2009
After nearly a month, managed to get the time to finish building the PC

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We need a little more please.

Rule 3:

If you have finished a build but not taken any progress pictures of your work, then please post it as a build log but try and give a review of your thoughts on the case and how your build went including any shortcomings or cool features you found.
What cables you using mate?
The Silverstone PSU extensions and Sharkmods I/O front panel extensions. I haven't been able to find any braided internal USB or HDAudio extensions so far. There are a few on the market but those still manage to show bare wires.
On the whole this second PC build has gone well. I would have loved to have gone for a complete custom water cooling but wasn't too confident that I could do it. The Corsair 750d is a fantastic case though they could have made it easier to take out the optical bay.
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