Gaming UI Save Data (Metro Exodus via Game Pass)

19 Oct 2002
I downloaded and played Metro Exodus on PC last night as part of Game Pass.

I'd heard not so favourable things about games this way so had put it off for a while, but last night gave it a go and really enjoyed Metro.

This morning however it will not get past the into (will not get to title page) just a black screen. When I force quit I see a window with "Gaming UI" saying the data held locally is different to that on the cloud and which one I would like to use, I've tried both and restarted but I guess as the game has already quit by that stage it doesn't register. When I'm in the game at the black screen tabbing between apps or using the windows key does not work so I only see this message when I've force quit.

Any suggestions please as I'd quite like to play it today :(
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On the assumption the data is held somewhere you can access (a lot of games put the save data in My Documents) you could try and remove it (copy it elsewhere) and see if it downloads.

I've not had that problem but guess the PC was shut down before the data could be uploaded and may have gotten out of kilter.


That's what I was thinking, but can't find the save game on the PC anywhere, at least not where it says it should be.

Ohh and it's Metro Exodus and not Last Light as put earlier..
Apparently it's:

C:\Users\Your Username\Saved Games

Can you check there?


It’s not there, I did a lot of googling and apparently it’s either nowhere to be found or hidden in the deepest depths with no searchable name.

I have however found a workaround, launching the game from the start bar as administrator then allowed the save data question to pop up at the right time and be visible. Choose an option and worked.

Thanks for taking time to reply anyway.
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