Gaming with disabilities...

27 Oct 2011
Strange thread this.

I have a few disabilities (LOL) mostly around my MS. However I still try to game. Due to my sight being affected I am limited in what I can play without getting overly frustrated. I play games that don't have text boxes with small fonts, Ickle icons or shed loads of flashing screens (that would be a bad thing) Kerble, city skylines etc. My games of choice are GTA, (not PvP as I can't judge the radar with out sticking my face against my monitor) Elite dangerous and various simulators... Question is, are there any other gamers out there with disabilities and what do you play? Also, how have you adapted in order to continue gaming...
How would you get on with a flight sim? Fairly steady paced and not a huge amount going on at once?

I have thousands of hours on flight sim, including yoke and throttles, (as well as my X52) it lost it's attraction though due to the need to keep an eye on dials and loss of fine detail. (should add my MS was not diagnosed until I was i my late 30's, so before that I was fine with any game) I now use the steam refund function to try games out. However ATM GTA takes up all my gaming time. Just interested in how others have adapted to continue gaming...
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I have neuro-developmental-delay, tl;dr I learn things EXTREMELY more slowly than the rest of people generally. So remembering what this item does, where to go next etc is pretty much non existent to a degree. Always have to have a wiki game pedia open at most times.

It's not a huge hindrance but enough to know it's there and there for life.
I have thousands of hours on flight sim, including yoke and throttles, (as well as my X52) it lost it's attraction though due to the need to keep an eye on dials and loss of fine detail. (should add my MS was not diagnosed until I was i my late 30's, so before that I was fine with any game) I now use the steam refund function to try games out. However ATM GTA takes up all my gaming time. Just interested in how others have adapted to continue gaming...

Might be relevant, might not, but a whole load of Racing Games nowadays have small side Apps that let you throw all the Dials/Telemetry stuff you'd normally have on-screen on to a Tablet/Smart phone and are all highly customisable, so you could effectively build your dials up in any high-contrast colours/font/size/configuration you want into a tablet right up close and easy to see so I would look out for similar Apps for Flight-Sims as I can't imagine there wouldn't be any.

I also know the Elite Dangerous Voice Attack thing can be used with other games/programs too which would help anyone with certain disabilities out a lot too I'd imagine.

Head/Eye-Tracker things too would be worth looking into.
My first thought on reading the title (just the title not the thread content) was "Call of Duty" - but that's a bit mean :(

Genuinely though; Life Is Strange, if you're feeling brave Rocket League - it's got a simple mechanic so it's quite easy to pick up and has quite good AI if you don't want to play other people, maybe Portal 1+2? Sorry I play mostly story driven stuff :/
Cheers, all

That story is amazing BTW...

I was just interested to see how others overcame their limitations with peripherals and displays. Mine is to sit really close to my monitor with as little light as possible in the background. I cope OK with my keyboard, however in game text chat in GTA can seem like a garbled mess when I type and I absolutely can not see any messages if I am driving/flying/shooting etc as I have to get close to the screen to read it LOL

However Elite is HOTAS and I have macros set up for most other things so there is no need to stop looking at the screen....

+1 for rocket league, nice casual fun that doesn't take itself too seriously. Only thing you need to keep your eye on is the huge football
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