Gaming with Nvidia3d vision?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
Anyone here using Nvidia 3d vision 2 glasses?

I recently tried a DK2 VR headset and didn't really get on with it. Brilliant in places with one of my games (DCS), under-par with another (ACS and only IMO) and I couldn't get it running with ED (as a result of how ancient my PC base unit is).

So instead of splurging a bunch of dosh on a headset, I redirected it to a Dell 27" Gsync monitor, which looks much better in everything.

Question for you guys, who's using Nvidia 3d and what do you think?
I've already looked at the Helixmod website, which appears to have good advice on how to optimise games for 3d.
I used mine for about maybe 3 hours total or something - its kind of cool but for a lot of games just more convenient playing normally - only games I really ended up playing much time with it was racing stuff like GRID where I was using a controller.

Did you try with Helixmods and which games did you try?
Missed updating this thread myself.
Very easy outcome. With the release in the UK of the Oculus CV1, grabbed one. Awesome is a fair comment.
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