Ganged or Unganged what be the difference?

30 Nov 2008
Ive looked around and what Ive read suggests, ganged mode is for all 4 cores to share the dual Ram, unganged mode is for 1 slot per core? Im not sure if that is correct as result searches on google bring up a ton of different disscusions all saying different things.

and the other point to make is I have a quad core so do I need 4 slots of Ram as Im only using a pair of 2GB sticks atm so what would the result lead to running in unganged mode using 2 slots for 4 cores? My guess is 2cores per slot for my setup or have I got this completely wrong :confused:
Ganged is setting both memory controllers to work together which allows data (that is being used by all cores) to await on the queue until they are accessed. Unganging means that the two controllers work independently. This allows them to work asynchronously with reference to individual clocks with their one or two Dimms.

Just as you do with normal dual channel, put one DIMM in one channel and the other DIMM in the other channel.
Im using 2 sticks of 2GB with a quad core and tested with everest the memory speeds of unganged vs ganged - Ganged came out a bit quicker but not really noticeable tbh
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