Fancy a new Gangster Game, (were you get gang warfare & territory)
Any Suggestions? looking for newer titles.
Already Completed:
Mafia I/II
Saints row 1/2/3
Ometra (Turn based strat)
Sleeping dogs (one of my favs)
Watch dogs (although not gangster as such)
WD i got 100 hours in
SD got 90 hours in
Mafia II i got 80 hours in.
Any Suggestions? looking for newer titles.
Already Completed:
Mafia I/II
Saints row 1/2/3
Ometra (Turn based strat)
Sleeping dogs (one of my favs)
Watch dogs (although not gangster as such)
WD i got 100 hours in
SD got 90 hours in
Mafia II i got 80 hours in.