Gankers! :(! Where do i train ? - WoW

12 Dec 2005

Ok, i know i shouldn't complain about "gankers" as i am on a PvP server, when i first started playing WoW i had no idea what PvP servers where, so i just clicked on Zenedar Realm Lol.

Anyway, Im sick of trying to grind and im sick of "Gankers" messing up my XP!

Im currently a level 33 Undead Mage, any thoughts on the best place to train?

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denic2k6 said:

Ok, i know i shouldn't complain about "gankers" as i am on a PvP server, when i first started playing WoW i had no idea what PvP servers where, so i just clicked on Zenedar Realm Lol.

Anyway, Im sick of trying to grind and im sick of "Gankers" messing up my XP!

Im currently a level 33 Undead Mage, any thoughts on the best place to train?


- denic

Try North-west Desolace, away from Shadowprey Village - mobs there are around your level and a bit higher.
its part of the game fella,

as above des is good, stv can be fun but you will get ganked.

I know what its like, 30-40 is the hardest lvls to grind from experiance, once you hit 40 its all go.
Think i went arathi highlands though did get ganked quite abit

Welcome to Zenedar btw i got a 60 sham by the name of Foss. If your having any problems with gankers give me a /w.
Try getting to 35 then do lots of Scarlet Monastary upto about 40 then you can hit STV a bit easier. Try to keep your mana to at least 60%.

Instances are a good way to get away from the pvp.
try to stay away from STV for as long as possible, theres always some annoying hunter anound to jump you.

second vote for desolace, generally much quieter than most places.
ganking is annoying, got a 43 shaman and just finishing up in stv, grinding for money and xp atm for mount

i used 2 get really annoyed, but then i started ganking people in stv and its oh so fun :p
ok you're horde, thats good I know what I'm talkin about then. From level 33 - 40 stay in desolace, grind until level 38 on the golkar centaur (i think) near shadowprey village, these are easy as hell and give decent exp, then go to the centaur near mauradon entrance until level 40, this is really really annoying as you will get killed a few times by passing allies. At 40-46/47 go to feralas I think and grind on the gnolls there, they are superb :) I might be wrong about feralas name havent played WoW in a few months its next to thousand needles.
denic2k6 said:

Ok, i know i shouldn't complain about "gankers" as i am on a PvP server, when i first started playing WoW i had no idea what PvP servers where, so i just clicked on Zenedar Realm Lol.

Anyway, Im sick of trying to grind and im sick of "Gankers" messing up my XP!

Im currently a level 33 Undead Mage, any thoughts on the best place to train?


- denic

In any area find out where the aliances graveyard is then go to the other side of the area and grind there. They tend to leave you alone then, to far to run if they mess up. ;)
<De@thW!sh> said:
try to stay away from STV for as long as possible, theres always some annoying hunter anound to jump you.

second vote for desolace, generally much quieter than most places.

Wise words.

I'm 44 and so far STV was the worst zone for ganking i've come across. Deso was much more peaceful, but you've still gotta watch your back.

I know how you feel about ganking, i hate PVP but my guild voted on a PVP server, so i just gotta grin and bare it, or cry myself to sleep like i do most nights :o
someone who comes along and kills you,

your also get corpse campers which is a ganker whom hangs around to gank you again when you re-spawn.

Its all part of the game to be honest, we all gank at one point but we all hate to be ganked ;) lol
Im getting the same problem on that server. L55Warlock. Keep getting ganked by groups of L60's lol

You just have to go off and find another little space to grind in. Either that or stand and fight, they soon get tired lol

All fun :D
Datamonkey said:
someone who comes along and kills you

Actually in my eyes it's a loser of an obscenely higher level than you who'll just kill you for fun, meaning that they get no honor from the kill, just do it to annoy a lev50+ taking on sub lev 20's...that's what ganking is from what i've gathered from the in game community!
hr18 said:
ok you're horde, thats good I know what I'm talkin about then. From level 33 - 40 stay in desolace, grind until level 38 on the golkar centaur (i think) near shadowprey village, these are easy as hell and give decent exp, then go to the centaur near mauradon entrance until level 40, this is really really annoying as you will get killed a few times by passing allies. At 40-46/47 go to feralas I think and grind on the gnolls there, they are superb :) I might be wrong about feralas name havent played WoW in a few months its next to thousand needles.

There is no need to grind. What's the point in playing a game with quests if you're just going to hang out in the same spot, killing the same mobs over and over? <yawn>.

There are quite a few quests in Desolace that should all be yellow or orange at your level. If you go back to Tarren Mill, there should be quests there which go into Alterac, which generally isn't as bad as Hillsbrad for ganking.
Arathi quests are 30-38, although there aren't many, so I'd recommend just doing them all at once.
Stranglethorn isn't really too bad if you stick in groups or stay near Grom Gol. You can take Bloody Bone Necklaces, Hunt For Yenniku and Bloodscalp Ears all at the same time, and kill the trolls just north of Grom Gol (just watch out for the level 36 raptors). The Basilisks past them are also generally Horde safe. If you've done the Shimmering Flats quests, then one of them gives Dream Dust in the Swamp. There are a few other lower level quests from Stonard, but not many. There is no alliance base there, so it tends to have higher horde population.
To be honest, different places are safe on different servers, so the best way to find out is just see where the quests you have take you and try those areas.
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