Gap between path and house, fill with sand or point?

19 May 2005
Just a quick question. Our house has a raised pathway built out of council concrete slabs and in-filled with hardcore. The path is below floor level and is currently pointed up with sand and cement to the house wall. The pointing is crumbling after 20 years and weeds are growing through, so I was going to start re-pointing it.

Just wondering if it would be better to remove the old pointing and then fill the gap with sharp sand?


Personally I would avoid just filling it with Sharp Sand as for that size gap I wouldn't imagine it will stay put for very long, and the weeds will quickly find their way back through.

I would repoint it with a proper mortar mix e.g. 4 Sand : 1 Cement.
Well wet the joints, allow the slabs to dry to avoid staining, it will still be damp in the joints, I use three soft sand to one of cement, some say use a 4 to 1 mix. Mix it dry and well brush it into the joints with a soft brush, then tool in with either a proper jointer tool, or use a piece of copper pipe.
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Just mix it 5-1, dash of feb ( mortar plasterciser) mix a wet mix ( quite stiff though as that will avoid staining) just use a jointer or what ever you have to hand to poke it down in the joints, use a pointing trowel to point it, simple and best way to do it. The more cement you put in, the more it will stand out, usual mix is 5-1.

You'll have no probs if you do that.
Personally I would avoid just filling it with Sharp Sand as for that size gap I wouldn't imagine it will stay put for very long, and the weeds will quickly find their way back through.

I would repoint it with a proper mortar mix e.g. 4 Sand : 1 Cement.

Weeds love little crevices like that.
U will need to remove all the old cracked pointing, and if its a small area, remove all the pointing, as the new stuff will be a different colour.
Get some building (soft) sand and mix it to a 4:1 ratio, mix it semi dry, so its damp but not too wet.
Use a trowel to tamp the cement into the gaps, making sure its packed down properly.
Do rougly 1-2 square metres. and rub the cement with a pointer, or a piece of garden hose will do.
Brush off excess with a soft brush.
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