Gap insurance

7 Dec 2008
Scottish Borders
Can someone explain to me exactly how this works in relation to buying a brand new bike? Im totally ignorant to all of this stuff as the majority of vehicles I've owned have been in Australia/New Zealand, so haven't really had to worry about insurance!

Some of you might remember my post from last August where I was knocked off my new MT-07 by a careless driver, and the bike subsequently written off. i ended up coming away from that crash with the 3rd party insurance paying out more than £1000 less than I would have needed to replace the bike :mad: Although it was technically a fair market value that they offered, it was physically impossible to replace my bike for that amount, due to there being no similar bikes for sale at all anywhere in the country. The only way to get a like for like replacement was to buy new again, leaving me out of pocket.

As the weather is improving, I'm getting ready to put an order in for another bike. Some of you will think I'm mad, but I want to buy from new again. Is gap insurance the best way to protect myself from this sort of thing happening again?
Yes, GAP insurance is the way to go if you want to receive the full price you paid in the unfortunate case of your bike being written off.

My car got wrote off in december by no fault of my own and I was fully comp (no GAP) and received £3000 less than the car was worth, granted I bought the car 2 years prior however I still lost money so I feel your pain!

GAP insurance premiums may be a bit higher but definitely worth it if you've been stung in the past and I know i'll be doing it when I buy my first new bike.
I got it when I bought my XR last year - no brainer for me. £140 or so for 3 years cover to guarantee a cash amount the same as the amount I originally paid for it.
I got it when I bought my XR last year - no brainer for me. £140 or so for 3 years cover to guarantee a cash amount the same as the amount I originally paid for it.

God that's pennies vs the price of a new bike - just done a quick quote online for a vehicle replacement max cover £10k on a £15k bike and it's £150 for 3 years cover. Why would anyone not take this out if buying a new bike?
Thanks guys, does seem to be the way to go then. Any recommendations for a good company to use?

Why would anyone not take this out if buying a new bike?

Well in my case, because I wasn't aware that such a thing existed. Lesson learned.
TBH, I'd heard of it but didn't really know what it was - but then I've never bought a brand new bike before.

It doesn't need to be used on a brand new bike. Mine was 6 months old. For me the more important point was being able to have cover to guarantee the purchase amount whilst I own it.
Get your gap insurance from someone like Aviva rather than a dealer policy.
A dealer will want many hundreds for a policy, that will only return what you currently owe on a loan.

Aviva will do you a 3 year return to invoice cost policy for like £90 or so.
Yep that's how it works, I think. You'd get paid 'market value' by your insurance for your bike, which would probably be a couple of grand less than what you actually paid for it, and the gap insurance would cover the 'gap' between the insurance payout and the price you actually paid, so you're not out of pocket.

So you could buy a new one if the price was the same as you paid a year ago.
Hmm, going to look in to that then. If it's £100-odd for 3 years, then that is well worth it. They tried to sell it to me on the day I bought mine, but didn't really want to hear it - I was a bit tired of all the salesy stuff and just wanted to ride home :D
On Aviva's website it asks what I paid but but the payout options are either £5k, £7.5k or £10k

I paid £5.5 (IIRC) so if I choose £5k I'm out of pocket £500? Or do I choose £7.5k and assume they only pay up to the £5.5k, I'm not wanting to be fraudulent in anyway and trying to get them to be paying out more than I paid for it.
The insurance aims to bridge the gap between what you paid for the bike and what your normal insurance will pay out. The latter is unknown over a 3 year period so you just need to be sensible. In your case you'd select the £5,000 cover on the basis that anything more would be a waste (more than you paid).
£140 for 3 years of cover is very reasonable. Every GAP insurance policy I have ever been quoted was astronomically expensive. My ordinary insurance policy covered me for brand new within 6 months of purchase anyway, I was not about to start paying £100s a year to cover the shortfall after 6 months.

It did not make sense for the prices I was being given.
Been quoted £160 for 3 years here at first glance (haven't looked around much), which covers £7,500. Should be plenty on top of what insurance would give me, could probably get away with £5k cover.
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