Garage conversion, ideas required please.

2 Sep 2003
Hello people. Recently decided to strip the garage room back to bare and make good to put potentially a 65" 4K TV or projector if that would be better use but I think the space may be too small. Obv on a budget and currently got a Yamaha 673 and 5.1 Cambridge audio minx 21 and x200 sub. Just wondering what people's suggestions on what to do. As you look at the electric meter that's the internal wall to the house and to the right that's the external and wife loves to moan when I'm in the moment watching a decent film as our room is above the living room (reason to move to the garage). So to reduce sound travel would it be better to have the front facing speakers facing the external wall or would it not really make much difference. I usually have the Yamaha on -28 on the volume control but hopefully a little louder when this is setup. Suggestions and all advice welcome.

The room is 2.7m wide by 4.7m long.
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You could have a electric screen and projector setup in their quite easily. You'll not get a 4k projector for the price of a 65" 4k tv though. My 4k projector was over 20k. Plenty of choices for a good quality 1080p at that price point.

I'd have the screen come down in front of the door in the second pic. Obv you'd need to blackout the window and the door and then a 2 seater sofa or a couple of arm chairs for seating. You could have shelving below the electric box for your blurays etc Maybe a pelmet with some LEDs to give it a nice chilled out vibe.

Proper floor plan would help. I use this -

Your speakers, amp and sub would be fine.
I'm usually in favour of a pj setup, but in this case would probably go width ways with a large 4k panel. Especially if batcaving the room isn't an option. No faffing around with screens in front of doorways and trying to fight ambient light etc. Decent, tab tensioned screens aren't cheap btw. You could go free hanging, but they invariably have ripples and you'll see the image wobble in panning shots. And then you have to budget in the pj. I'd get the room looking as smart as possible and sit square in front of the biggest, best quality tv you can justify to the misses :)
Absolutely do it. Best fun you'll have. Imo make sure its light tight. Pleases me no end I can sit in my Mancave in peak summer @4pm and its pitch black for projector fun. Everybody is different though.
Internal wall is to the left. External wall is where the boiler is. The internal wall goes to the stairs so not connected to direct to our main bedroom anyway which is about 2m across from the internal wall in the garage
I'd go for something like this:


Floating wall for the tv, some neat bias lighting - would look smart.
I'd go for something like this:


Floating wall for the tv, some neat bias lighting - would look smart.

Thanks. With that viewing distance what would be the ideal size screen. 4K content. Will also be putting my computer in to the left of the tv (desk). So I can HDMi my pc and play steam catalogue in 1080p straight to tv.
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