Garage Door & Front Door Queries

31 May 2005
Ok so I've been looking to replace our front door and garage door as both are old and drafty. For the garage door I've seen some options and I think settled on the Hormann LPU42 sectional door with promatic operator. It felt much stronger and has better insulation than any of the roller door options we looked at. For the front door we're thinking of going with Solidor again as we had one in the past which was great on our old house.

For the Horman LPU42, has anyone got any longer term feedback about them? I'm thinking we might install a wall button inside the house which we can use to open it alongside the remotes. We won't be parking a car in the garage it's very much my workshop and storage space, it also has a side entrance door so likely won't keep the remote fobs on us all the time.

I can see solidor have had some bad reviews in the last couple of years. Our previous one was great with no issues, but wondered what people's thoughts on them these days are? Our local well regarded fitters locally are all still using them which I guess says something. The only downside is we were hoping for a modern glass with leading in it i.e. the abstract glass they offer, but they only have very limited options in the long rectangular frame top to bottom (amalfi style) which is a shame.
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