Garageband, iMovie etc in Leopard?

All iLife apart from iTunes are not included in Leopard, you'll have to use your Tiger's 2 Disc to install - one of the disc (CD2 I think) contains iLife'06.

iLife'08 is only installed with Leopard on a new Mac (since Leopard)
You've gotten used to having iLife with your install discs, Apple don't bundle iLife with the retail discs though which is where you've dropped the ball.

Pop the Tiger install DVD in and install from there :)
I do, but I'd like the most recent versions!

Or when you install them from Tiger dvd, do they update to the latest version via software update?
No, iLife 06 will be on the Tiger install DVDs (most likely) so you're stuck unless you have a set with iLife 08 on (only the most recent Macs will).

Software Update will update iLife 06 or iLife 08, but only to add patches. For example, iLife 06 will require a few updates, but it will always stay 06. iLife 08 will be £55 if you wish to upgrade.. bummer, I know.
Yeah there was a crossover period before Leopard came out.

iLife is alright. If you have one version though I doubt its worth a 50 quid upgrade to the new one. I dont think it is anyway. I dont use iWeb, I dont use iMovie, I dont use GarageBand and iPhoto works fine.
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