Gary Glitter used in advert

Perhaps he should have been used in a Teach English as a Foreign Language campaign?

*Recent Graduate?*
*Good English Skills?*
*ALways wanted to see Veitnam?*
*Low sense of morality?*
Spacky said:
Just trying to remember what I heard on the news :D

I don't know what nambla is but am guessing your very interested in all that sort of thing.

WTF? That isn't a nice thing to say about a person!


Basically a paedophiles club who exist as a political association to theoretically put pressure on the North American governments to legalise Man/Boy 'love'...
The group have legal status I think but needless to say scores of their members have been arrested in the past for illegal activities
Rich_L said:
Is it not?

Why should it be banned? If people are offended that's their problem, it's free speech after all.

Because it can be interpreted as mocking the misfortune of others, its illegal so therefore is still covered under free speech... however, it is impolite

Having said that, if there were an organised terrorist movement using and threatening violence for it to be removed it would be a very different situation
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