You can be one of the people who calls energy providers to complain that the gas meter is recording more than it should because they are evil and trying to rip you off.
Your provider (as they technically own that meter) wil ask you to prove it through mutliple meter readings, and compare it to the previous year.
Or if the smart meter side of things is working they will be able to see the usage themselves and do an internal investgiation on the account.
When inevitably they find nothing wrong, you can complain and then be put onto a BIG list to have an appointment at...some point.
Normally its eaiser to have a smart meter installation booked if you don't have one already as its the quickest and fastest way to have the meter looked at/replaced with a new unit. In your case this is probably not an option as you have one already.
In 99% of situatioins there is never a problem, over 5+ years on the phones, I came across ONE actual problem with a very old gas meter, with hundreds of "complaints" from angry people who didn't accept there was nothing wrong from a trained engineer because they know better than people actually trained in the subject. You are reading FAR to much into it, trying to prove there is an issue.
The simple answer will be the calorific value that was used to make the calculatioon along with many other factors not easilly reproduced
From someone who had to take calls from people like yourself,
please dont call, they have it bad enough with the complaints about the cost of living crisis and people complaining about the high costs thinking the agent on the other end is personally responsible that they are in debt. They don't need pointless calls on top of that.
Sorry about the aggressivness by the way, I had to speak to so many people over the years who just whined and whined about the meter recording more than they where using (which is virtually impossible nowdays) while smiling and nodding along in the hopes they didn't want to raise a complaint as then I would be stuck with them for weeks on end until an appointment was completed, then having to tell them there is nothing wrong.
The go to response would be if you think your meter is faulty, get a smart meter installed, which people didn't like to hear, they are paranoid already so think smart meters are evil and are information gathering devices to do....something outside of recording energy used.
You would then have the awkward manager call requests from people who just didn't accept the conclusion even though they have ZERO evidence of anything and having to justify the callback to your manager which was difficult most the time to get them to do it.