Gas soldering iron - Am I doing it wrong?!

14 Jul 2005
I'm hoping some of the knowledgeable people of OcUK may be able to shed some light on a problem I'm having!

I bought this a couple of days ago:

It's a butane powered soldering iron (regular lighter fluid) and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it seems to burn the fuel off in a minute or less!

This is my first gas soldering iron and I've followed the instructions exactly. I fill it up for around 10 seconds, making sure I don't overfill it. I light it but in order to get the flame to a level that is high enough to heat the tip I have to open the valve quite a way, this just results in all the fuel being used up in under a minute. Also, if I leave it at a lower level so as not to use the fuel so fast, then the flame will die down until it extinguishes (while there still being fuel in the container).

Am I doing it wrong, or is it well and truly fubar?
Sounds like it's dodgy and it's got a small fuel reservoir.

I have one but it's got a much larger fuel tank, some highstreet electronics shop job, works fine.
When you say it extinguishes, there shouldn't actually be a flame. Do you have a 'flame off' or 'flame out' button?

It needs to be on the highest setting for ignition but then there's an element that should take over (if it's like the one I've used).
Part 5 in the pdf fits over the top of part 2. When I ignite it and put it on a high flame, part 5 starts glowing.

I just tried it again and this time I got it glowing with the flame, turned off the flame by closing the valve and then reopened the valve to allow gas to flow through. This allowed the glowing to continue, however it required constant adjustment to keep the gas flowing and still only lasted a minute or so.

I think I'm going to send it back! Are all butane soldering irons this bad or do they genuinely last a lot longer than this pos?
The one I linked would be the one I'd spend my money on. They obviously need filing up but I cant remember how often. (that should be a good sign)
I would say you just are not filling it enough. I have a similar one, and need to fill it for at least 30 secs or so. Leave it a minute or so.
It'll just get liquid gas everywhere when it's full, and it's bloody cold when it evaporates on your skin!

You can have loads of fun with butane in a can, it's quite amusing to inject it into a toilet roll, light it and see how god damn difficult it is to extinguish. :p
I use two similar gas soldering irons (one a draper and the other a Laser) mainly for electrical works on my car and my airsoft guns. Both use a gauze and there should not be a flame. With the Lazer one you get flames on the outside of the gauze until it heats up and the gauze starts to glow.

I usually stand them upright until the temperature gets hot enough.

P.S. If you are using it for the same reasons as me, a flux pen and heatshrink tubing are your best friends.
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I think the problem is the soldering iron you have isn't very good.

Look at something like an Iroda pro70/100/120 - £18-£35 price range.
My Iroda Solderpro 50 has the smallest gas reservoir of their range and it easily lasts a good 30 minutes on a fill. sounds like yours is just rubbish.

I can't believe i'm about to say this but, "Send it back" :D
Silverline are known for their crap tools

On the contrary, I've found their tools are cheap and lacking in polish but actually on the most part - very good.

In fact I trusted their axle stands with my life when doing the clutch change on the Evo and they were great.
Silverline are known for their crap tools

As a stockist, I would disagree. Some tools are poor quality, but then, the price is cheap. Some tools are very very good for the price. Generally, the lower the price, the lower the quality.
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