Gaspanics log (No idea what i'm doing though)

24 May 2013
So I've recently just started up at the gym (last month) and I really don't have any idea as to what I'm doing. Despite doing plenty of reading I just seem to get conflicting information. From here, I'm going to log everything I do, mainly for my benefit, if I have to log it then hopefully it'll push me, in fact I'm not even bothered if anybody reads this or not.

Age: 31
Height: 6' 4"

Starting Stats
Weight 15.10
Body Fat: 24.4
Muscle: 71.4
BMI: 26.6

Current Stats:
Weight 15.10
Body Fat: 24.4
Muscle: 71.4
BMI: 26.6

(From a body composition monitor so not entirely accurate)


A few years back I managed to lose 8st, despite this, i'm still very unfit and hating it. My aim is just to all around look better and get a bit fitter and drop a few lbs, currently I have no plans to see how strong I can get (maybe in the future I will though). I enjoy doing circuit training, abs/core classes (which take up 3 days per week) at the gym, I find it works me harder than on my own. Amongst this, I've also got the Great North Run (4th year, although never really quick) and Newcastle Stampede to compete in which means I'll also have to fit in some running), I may have some time to fit in full body workouts which I'm going to devise tonight.

Diet wise, it's all right I guess, could be better, I tend to keep away from pizzas/burgers and the general junk food however I also don't specifically plan meals that are going to fully help me accomplish what I want to.
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Welcome and good luck!

Weightloss is lifestyle-centric, really - get it sorted and the weight will fall off... diet and exercise being critical parts to this. So sort your diet out and you already 80% of the way there. :)

I would personally suggest a structured weight training programme as this will be of greater benefit to your overall health than an abs/core session, but depending on what your circuit training involves, may be superfluous.

However, I doubt that, given what most gyms offer from a 'circuit' perspective.

Either way, good luck and feel free to ask for advice if and when you want it. :)
Thanks, I only do the 1 abs/core session per week anyway and would always be my first on the list to go, saying that, it's only a 30 mins class anyway so I could work around it if it fit in with my regime.
Thanks, I only do the 1 abs/core session per week anyway and would always be my first on the list to go, saying that, it's only a 30 mins class anyway so I could work around it if it fit in with my regime.

Or just ditch it and do something that actually requires you to use your core. ;)

Like Stronglifts. Or anything else in the gym, tbh. Abs are only really important for 3 reasons:

- dropping to a low-enough percentage of bodyfat so they are potentially discernible;
- stabilising your spine when lifting something heavy;
- telling everybody you should be eating more. ;)

If I were to set you up from scratch based on what you've written above, I'd suggest two structured weight sessions a week (Monday and Friday), with two days of interval-based training (Wednesday and Saturday)

However, if you don't have the drive, it makes turning up to the gym those days where you feel like rubbish... and if you're indicating you don't deal with much beyond classes, you're always going to limit yourself.

The reason being that you'll eventually lose the weight with which you're not comfortable and you won't have much to show for all your effort as you'll have been busy burning muscle as well as fat with your current regime. Weight training has the fun effect of lowering your bodyfat percentage through increased muscle size, meaning you will look better sooner with it than just metabolic conditioning (which is circuit training)...

Just my two pence. Take it or leave it. :)
Oh i'm all up for changing it as long as it works. Having lost the 8 stone, I really want to improve on it, the willpower isn't really an issue as such.

Unfortunately the circuits are only on Monday & Thursday, however I could do weight based excercises on Wednesday and Saturdays? I'm not sure how theye'd affect one another though.

In all honesty, the only reason I was doing abs/core was to keep me active, although I did feel it, if that time can be used better elsewhere then so be it!

Cheers for the advice though, much appreciated!
Well, it's different every time as there are a few different trainers.

They usually consists of the following (not all in one session, but just things we've done) burpees, planks, press ups (sometimes using steps), sit ups (with variations), crunches (with variations) step ups, back extensions, high knee sprints, jumping jacks, shuttle runs, squats, squat jumps, lunges, lateral raises, mountain climbers. There's a fair few that I've forgotten, however i'm usually aching the day after and can just about feel all of it. Mainly bodyweight exercises although there's a few times we've used kettlebells, bar, light dumb bells too. I'll try make a note mentally of what we do tonight.
So bootcamp, then?

Again, that's fine for losing weight, but will leave you with a skinny body underneath all that.

Practically, I'm relatively concerned this will be the case because you say your diet isn't optimal. As you are quite active from a metabolic perspective, unless you're getting the food you need you stand a good chance of digesting all that stuff that gives you a nice, man's shape.

this is particularly important if you're trying to lose weight.

As said, I'd personally ditch the bootcamp, but if you really feel that it's your main way of getting slim, then fine. I would strongly suggest you look at (ahem) Stronglifts as a way of burning excess calories and getting strong whilst giving your body something to do that is productive (use, spare and/or develop your musculature) as opposed to digesting it. It will also help your movement and joints much more so than bootcamp-style stuff will. :)
Yeah, on the timetable it's classed as Bootcamp Circuits.


I'll have a look at strong lifts then, i'll be getting my head around the diet later on today, get some shopping list on the go.

I'll still go to bootcamp but maybe just 1 day a week instead, use the other time on doing my functional exercises.
So today's workout consisted of:

Rounds of 30 seconds/1 min/2 mins
Squat jump on step up boards
Reverse crunches
Ski jumps
(not sure the name of this next one so I'll describe it) Press up position with weights, then sort of row each arm, then down into a press up, then overhead military press.

Then a short break.

Rounds of 2 mins/1 min/30 seconds
Next up it was:
Push up on a step up board, then sort of jump forward (still touching the board) into a tricep dip.
Knee side planks?
Power squats
Then lunges with lateral raise (with weights)

Same again for 1 minute, then for 30 seconds.

Food wise, i'm still sort of emptying cupboards so it was tomato soup (I know, it's not overly good)

Nothing major really and I've obviously got to work on my regime however i'm just trying to get into the habit of logging it all.
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