Gauntlet Remake

Be on tonight at 8 if people want to join me for a co-OP.

No1Radiance is my steam tag, just give me a shout when you see me on.
Only got on late for an hour but what a great little game, loved it.

Does anyone have issues quick joining up and running games? Always get connection timed out message.
Had a good run with a random group despite the barbarian quitting straight away we cleared 1 full level with the 3 of us, then the elf quit after a death and we finished just Merlin (me) and Valkyre.

Got 7 mastery on the elf and 3 on the Wizard, loads to go still :p

I don't think it's a game you can sit and dedicate a day to but for a good hour of fun I like it, though Merlin is beyond me a little and I just ended up fireball spamming :p
More levels are definitely needed on this although I don't think we're going to get them.
We're on the last boss on unfair difficulty and he's a complete whore to kill, his sword attack seems to get me every time as Valkyrie.

May see more levels but I doubt it too, my interpretation is that it is pretty much an arcade sim, pick it up, play, put it down. Whilst they have some advancement there isn't a huge amount of depth. Still liking it that said :)
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