Gave Mr Accord a bath

16 Jan 2003
Kirkcaldy, Scotland
Having a weird tap connector in my flat I had up until today, never washed the car while staying here. I managed to botch together a holding mechanism out of an indoor tap kit and a weirdly placed butterfly hose clip. Anyway after 20 minutes of pretty lame washing since it was far too hot, Mr Accord looks far better. Sorry for the crummy pics, flat mates camera died so I had to use my phone.





It was also getting dark when I got in from work so I thought I'd try to show my new HID kit, but it just kind of came out as a blinding white blur....sort of how the lights seems to look.

Do you have HID on headlights and dipped. I just got some LEDs on the auxiliary headlamps for the halfords look :D

I like the alloys :)
I think the care was so shiney in the last picture that it was reflecting several planets from our solar system :p

That is a very nice vehicle m8y.
Fulcrum said:
Do you have HID on headlights and dipped. I just got some LEDs on the auxiliary headlamps for the halfords look :D

I like the alloys :)

Nah just HID dipped and blue LED sidelights. That picture was without my full beams on.
Gonna try some of the car cleaning tips in another thread and give it a good old polish and wax next time I have an afternoon off.
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