GCSE Options - What shall I do!?

23 Jun 2005
Hi, I've checked the FAQ and can't find anywhere that says you cannot ask for advice like this.

It's time to take my GCSE options, what exams I do. I want to have a job in IT when I'm older, and have the oppotunity to run my own business. Hence i have chosen IT and Business Studies. I am allowed 4 options. I don't know what else to choose! I might pick History as my third option. But I'm stuck between French and Geography.

If I took Geography, would this help me get a job using computers via geography? (mapping, layouts etc.)

Would History help me get a job with IT? (historian that makes 3d rendering of stuff that people have discover, stuff like that)

Would French help me with a job so I can like communicate on behalf of a international IT or not IT company?

As you see, I really want a job in IT. I know the in and outs of various operating systems and hardware/servers and networking etc.

Can anyone help?
Many thanks,

EDIT:Oh sorry forgot to add
are compulsery. I am taking the double award in science because I'm in the top 20 science levels in my year

Oh and i plan to go to college then uni
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Oh sorry forgot to add
are compulsery. I am taking the double award in science because I'm in the top 20 science levels in my year :)

Oh and i plan to go to college then uni
sara said:
My boyfriend was a complete whizz at all this when he was about yoru ages, 10 years ago - it was all so new then that he, as a geeky teenager, was getting about £500 a pop for helping local firms out with their networks.
I'm barely a geeky teenager! Thanks for all the advice :) I do have quite a experience with current technologies, and I like fixing pcs, so thats why i have a bout five units on the table that are in the queue :) Its just the hassel of keeping up with the IT world ;)
As i stand atm, im looking at my fav subjects, French, History, Business Studies and ICT, as it all fits in, so it should be good. Still open to opinions/advice though!
Psyk said:
I think there is such thing as single award. In my school no one did single award, the lesser able students did double award, and the more able students did seperates.
At our school, we have GCSE Applied Science (worth 1 GCSE). The more able do double award (2 GCSE's) I'm sure it's like that.

In ICT I'm doing the highest qualifcation at my school called DiDA (Diploma in Digital Application) its a new course that has just been relased and replaces one of the previous ones (think it's GNVQ) The DiDA is worth 4 GCSE's so it will help me a lot if i pass.
Saytan said:
do spanish. it opens up parts of the world that would otherwise be closed to you

GCSE's dont really matter in the long run - all you need is 5 A-C to do alevels
Can't. If i'm doing a ML its gotta be French
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