Gears of War 4 - PC Performance Woes

19 Apr 2006
I should start of by saying that I have tried posting this to the GOW forum thinking of a bit more specific GOW experience, but no real catch so far and I am not too hopeful with the minimal views its getting...
I am not sure how many Windows 10 Gears of War 4 players we might have on here, but I just wanted to throw this query out onto the forum to see if anyone can help me out with this as its driving me a little nuts.

For a long time I was playing this game on my AOC 27" 60Hz monitor with no issues at all. The game ran perfectly with no stutters and pretty much a solid 60fps from the GPU the whole time.

Over the holidays I thought I would treat myself to another AOC monitor but this time a 144hz model with FreeSync and now the performance issues have started.

I will get straight to it and drop some shots below just to show the comparison:

Previous Setup using 60hz Monitor via HDMI:

New setup with the 144Hz FreeSync Monitor:

The PC Specification is as follows:
Asus Z87-K
4670k (4.2GHz)
8GB RX480 GTR Black
16GB Corsair Vengeance

After so many benchmarks I am starting to get a little wandered in trying to figure out what things should look like. My main concern is that when running the benchmark on my old setup it runs near perfect, at 60fps its so smooth. Then you run a benchmark on the 144hz monitor and it just stutters so much!

The points I wanted to highlight from the testing:
- When running on the 60Hz setup, the GPU seems to stick to a nice solid 60fps (almost doings as its told)
- The 144hz setup will try to exceed 90fps on the GPU which I would have thought as 90 is the target it wouldnt try to exceed it.
- The GPU bound drops by 10% when on the 144Hz monitor (recent benchmarks are as low as 30% drop).
- My 4670k does not seem to be utilised in the benchmarks, it rarely goes over 3.9GHz with the trends showing between 70-90% load. I thought this to be slightly odd as the benchmark indicates to me that the CPU is struggling (red) but the trends indicate its not working at maxed capacity. Also removing the overclock from this setup has zero difference.

Appreciate the help if anyone can shed any light on this or tell me that this is normal.
I can't be much help as I have G-Sync and Nvidia cards

Are you sure In-game V-sync should be on though?

With G-Sync the recommendation is to turn on global V-sync in the Nvidia control panel and turn in-game V-SYNC off.

Freesync could be the same?
Turn vsync off in game.

On 144hz screen you will find that at 1080p you will be cpu bound as the cpu can't keep up with your gpu. At 60hz it's fine as they're both nowhere near full load.

If you had a i7, the cpu bottleneck would be alleviated somewhat due to more cpu power, hence less of a bottleneck.
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Thank You for advice on V-Sync. I have turned it off and run the benchmark again (Its bad that I have also changed a few other settings turning down to high, but I am trying to give it a fighting chance after reading developer notes on ultra textures on the i5).

I was looking at the benchmark from a mate running this on a i7 4770k (with hyperthreading disabled), he has the red as a solid line on the 180fps (its actually running at 250 game and 216 render).

Should it be expected to get that much more performance out of the i7 vs my i5? Please excuse my ignorance :p

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